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[Paid] 【迅雷快传】【 张国荣1997跨世纪演唱会】【APE】 |
升级 58.5% |
01. Opening+风再起时 When The Wind Starts Again
02. 今生今世 In My Life Time 03. Medley:恋爱交叉 Love at Cross Road/打开信箱 The Letter Box/蓝色忧郁 Blue Worries/黑色午夜 Black is The Night/Monica 04. 爱慕 Admiration 05. 侧面 Side Face 06. 有心人 A Man of intention 07. 电影Medley:阿飞正传 Days of Being Wild/梦 Dream/A Thousand Dreams of You 08. 京剧+当爱已成往事 Chinese Opera+Beyond Love 09. 怪你过份美丽 Beamefully Beautiful 10. 风继续吹 Restless Breeze 11. 怨男 Grieving Man 12. 想你 Miss You/偷情 Love By Stealth 13. 谈情说爱 Whispers of Love 14. 红颜白发 The Whited Haired Beautiful/最爱 My Dearest 15. 明星 Star 16. 红 Red 17. Count Down+Auld Lang Sang 18. 月亮代表我的心 Moon River 19. 追 Chase 张国荣-跨越97演唱会cd1
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