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分享 ~~我不是天使,我也要飞翔~
毛毛 2011-7-13 10:50
回头看看我曾经走过的路,在盘点自己的辉煌的 …… 有的时候真的好想自己能张出一对翅膀,飞往我自己想去的地方! 给我翅膀,让我飞翔。   ...
1853 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 4
分享 ~若可以~
毛毛 2011-7-9 21:05
Feel really tired, to come to light here, hope can happy through each day, if can, I really hope so well stay on our planet. Where are you, my dear? The plush waiting for you! Really want to miss you so much, where you are. My favorite, if really can, I'll wait for you for a lifetime ...
954 次阅读|0 个评论

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