本帖最后由 卫康 于 2011-11-16 20:05 编辑
第一首是英国诗人拉金的《为何昨夜我梦见了你(Why Did I Dream of You Last Night?)》:
原诗: Why did I dream of you last night? Now morning is pushing back hair with grey light. Memories strike home, like slaps in the face; Raised on elbow, I stare at the pale fog beyond the window.
So many things I had thought forgotten Return to my mind with stranger pain: Like letters that arrive addressed to someone Who left the house so many years ago.
译作: 为何昨夜我梦见了你? 现在黎明已至,用它灰白色的光梳理我的头发 回忆撞击心门,似乎也在拍打着我的面颊 我用手臂撑起身子,凝望苍白的雾霭 透过 那一边的窗台
那些我原本以为早已忘却的事 此刻却带着莫名的痛楚重回心中 ——就像那些寄给故人的信笺 在它们送达之时 早已是人去楼空
原诗: The dawn was apple-green, The sky was green wine held up in the sun, The moon was a golden petal between. She opened her eyes, and green The shone, clear like flowers undone For the first time, now for the first time seen. 译作: 黎明成了苹果绿的, 天空像是阳光下举起的绿色美酒, 而月亮 就是一片缀于其间的金色花瓣 她打开了眼睛,和那绿色, 眼波清澈而明媚,宛如尚未绽放的花蕾, 第一次,在此刻第一次被人瞥见
原诗: The flower which the wind has shaken Is soon filled again with rain; So does my heart fill slowly with tears, Until you return. 译作: 被风摇过的花朵, 不久又重新承满了雨滴, 我的心也渐渐承满了泪, 直等到你重回。