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拼音 : Nu zhong zhang fu
年代 : Contemporary
年份 : 1937
首映时间 : 1937-04-17
语言 : DialogueinCantonese
地区 : Hong Kong
物料 : sound, b&w
内容介绍 : The story deals with a pair of young lovers who sacrifices their love for the sake of revolution. Lee Yi-nin plays a heroine, a leader of her sex who takes up the task of revolution to better her country.
制作人 : Director, Hung Chung-ho.
Scriptwriter, Hung Chung-ho.
演员 : Lee Yi-nin, Kwong Shan-siu, Tam Sau-chen (aka Tam Sau-zhen), Ho Siu-hung, Wong Cho-shan.
出品公司 : Hong Kong : Nanyang Film Company.
其他机构 : 1937 [Release].
中文资料 : Heroism
制作机构 : Nayang Film Company, production.
台前幕后 : Hung, Chung-ho, 1902-1963, director. scriptwriter.
Lee, Yi-nin, 1914-1950/11/4, cast.
Kwong, Shan-siu, cast.
Tam, Sau-zhen, 1914/4/29-2003/4/23, cast.
Ho, Siu-hung, cast.
Wong, Cho-shan, cast.