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Thegallant bandit

拼音 : Xia xue ying hun
Hei long dang
年代 : Contemporary
年份 : 1939
首映时间 : 1939-06-07
语言 : DialogueinCantonese
地区 : Hong Kong
物料 : sound, b&w
内容介绍 : A man of strong ideals, who becomes a bandit on the side of justice, stealing from the rich to aid the poor. His natural intelligence has more than once led him out of a tight corner, outwitting the police. His lover encourages him to turn a new leaf and join the country's war effort against the Japanese invaders. He is wounded in the front- line. Before he dies, he makes it known that he has not let his lover down and that he dies with no regret.
制作人 : Director, Yim Meng.
Executive Producer, Ho Keung ; Scriptwriter, Yim Meng.
演员 : Ma Si-tsang (as bandit), Cheang Mang-ha (aka Cheng Man-ha) (as lover), Yee Chau-shui, Chan Sin-yu, Leng Wing, Chu Po-chuen, Pak Yee, Leung Sheung-yin , Pak Mui, Ha Bo-lin.
出品公司 : Hong Kong : Minzu Film Company.
其他机构 : Universal Trading Co. [Distribution]. 1939 [Release].
中文资料 : Thegallant bandit
制作机构 : Minzu Film Company, production.
Universal Trading Co., distribution.
台前幕后 : Yim, Meng, director. scriptwriter.
Ho, Keung, executive producer.
Ma, Si-tsang, 1900-1964, cast.
Cheng, Man-ha, 1922-2000/11/20, cast.
Yee Chau Shui, 1904-1955, cast.
Chan, Sin-yu, cast.
Leng Wing, cast.
Chu, Po-chuen, cast.
Pak, Yee, cast.
Leung, Sheung-yin, cast.
Pak, Mui, cast.
Ha, Bo-lin, cast.