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Rumble in the bronx |
拼音 : | Hong fan qu |
年代 : | Contemporary |
年份 : | 1995 |
首映时间 : | 1995-01-21 |
语言 : | DialogueinCantonese |
片种 : | Feature films (Genre) -- China -- Hong Kong | Adventure films (Genre) |
地区 : | Hong Kong |
级别 : | II ; TELA. |
票房 : | HK$56912,536 |
物料 : | 105min : sound, col |
内容介绍 : | Keung, an outstanding Hong Kong policeman, visits his Uncle Biu in New York. Biu is planning to retire and get married, so he sells his supermarket in Chinatown to Elaine. However, after taking over, Elaine is frequently bullied by a gang of bikers led by Tony, and the supermarket is seriously damaged. Keung is outraged by the injustice and fights Tony and his gang. The gang loses and is determined to take revenge. Keung is close to Danny and looks after him. When Keung is seriously injured by the gang, Danny asks his sister Nancy to take care of him. Soon, Keung learns that Nancy is the girl of Tony's dreams. Keung and Nancy fall in love before long. Angelo, one of Tony's gangsters, picks up a bag of diamonds belonging to the Mafia. Chased after by the Mafia, Angelo puts the bag inside the cushion of Danny's chair. The Mafia keeps Nancy and Tony as hostages in exchange for the diamonds. Relying on his resourcefulness and kung fu, Keung ultimately manages to shatter the mob and save Nancy, Tony and the others. |
备注 : | Among Jackie Chan's movies, Rumble in the Bronx was the most successful in American box-office until the end of 1996 |
制作人 : | Director, Stanley Tong. Executive Producer, Barbie Tung ; Scriptwriter, Tang King-sang ; Producer, Leonard Ho ; Production Mangaer, Michael Parker ; Co-ordinator, Chow Chung-hang ; Deputy Director, Lydia Stante, Adelon Paren ; Cinematographer, Ma Jingle (HKSC) ; Editor, Peter Cheung ; Editing Asst., Jett Geneau, Peter McBan ; Action Director, Jackie Chan (HKSA), Stanley Tong (HKSA) ; Production Asst., Lam Kong-wai ; Location Asst., Jill Gigung ; Script Recording, Mark Schroeder, Roger Stafecks ; Make-up, Cho So-fung ; Developing, Cine Art Lab. Ltd. ; Props, Leung Yui-nung, Les Ford ; Props Asst., Elisa Birkett, Scott Bourgeoks, Ted Hall, Mike Lawler, Mike Orman, David Perun, Orman Reinhart ; 2nd Team Martial Art Director, Marc Akerstream ; Martial Art Team, Mark Aisbett, Mark Antoniuk, Denny Armold, Scott Ateah, Lauro Chartrano, Garyn Cross, Jim Dunn, Bill Ferguson, Mark Fielding, Richard Gray , Kathy Hubble, Terrance Lench, Gerald Paetz, James Paradks, Rick Pearce, Trish Schill, Komani Ray Smith, Lee Sollenenberger, David Soo, Mike Spazzami, Melissa Stubbs, Ower Walstrom, Rob Wilton ; Art Team, Benfi Sum ; Costums, Cali Newcomen ; 2nd Team Photographer, Henry Chan ; 2nd Team Photography Asst., James Garrison, Michael Horner Oleary, Andrew Levine, Gregg Watters ; Grips, Steve Choi, Simon Ho ; Electrician, John Mcintosh, Gary Phipps, Bent Pasmussen, Derek Laiconade ; Dialogue Director, Glen Chin ; On-site Sound Recordist, Mark Schiroeder, Roger Stateckis ; Asst. Sound Recordist, John Boyle, Christopher Leech ; Location Manager, Leannie Perron, Rick Scott ; Explosive Stunt, Al Benjamin, David Paller ; Car Stunt, Marc Akerstream ; Accountant, Lin Ng ; Stage Manager, Sean Benbon, Stanney Chung, Scott Graham, Rebecca Hemory, Lee Rubensten, Bede Cheng, David Fung, Heather Furcall, Bernadette Harriott, Stephanie Leayitt, Karen Margolese ; Set, Al Benjamin, David Paller ; Meal Supply, Wonton on Camble, Critis's Choice ; Animal Controller, Gerry Therrien ; Casting, Ann Forry ; Generator Operator, Ella Korby, Troy Peters ; Traffic Team, Bill Lewis, John Bray ; Driver, Shawn Othearn, Paul Ainey, Clitt Brown, John Fitzpatrick, Bill Janssen, Jay Samwald ; Sound Effect Editor, Gavin Myers, Gareth Vanderhope, Martin Bayley, Lisa Bate ; Sound Effect System, Edi-Tracker ; Effects, Gerry Long, Paul Pirola ; Sound Mixing, Roger Savage, Paul Pirola ; Sound Recording Studio, Soundfirm Pty. Ltd., Pine Wood Sound, Group IV Recording Inc. USA., Mandarin Recording Studio Ltd. ; Camera Equipment, Technovision ; Service, Filmtech ; Developing, Alpha Cine ; Rescuer, Evelyn Friesen, Ken Lemon, Nora Collins ; Crafts, Evelyn Friesen, Ken Lemon, Nora Collins ; Helicopter Service, Vancouver Helicopter ; Security Service, Gerry Baker ; Ambulance Service, Due North Ambulance ; Rescue Boat Service, Aquamarine Diying Services ; Pay Company, Televctor Disc. Inc ; Insurance Company, Sedgwick Insurance ; Information Research, Marshall, Plumb Research Associates ; New York Crew : Production Manager, Dantel Hank ; 1st Asst. Photographer, J. Theodore Waches ; 2nd Asst. Photographer, Johnny MacDonald ; Location Manager, Mitchell ; On -site Operator, Brian O'Carroll ; Unit Manager, Jason Sonner. |
演员 : | Jackie Chan (as Keung), Anita Mui (as Elaine), Francoise Yip (as Nancy), Marc Akerstream (as Tony), Morgan Law (as Danny), Garvin Cross (as Angelo), Kris Lord (as White Tiger), Elliot Yueh Hua (as property salesman), Fred. Andrucci (as Tong & gang member), Mark Antoniuk (as Tong & gang member), Lauro Chartrano (as Tong & gang member), Chris Franco (as Tong & gang member), Lance Gibson (as Tong & gang member), David Hooper (as Tong & gang member), Kathy Hubble (as Tong & gang member), Terrance Lench (as Tong & gang member), Dean McKenzie (as Tong & gang member), Komani Ray Smith (as Tong & gang member), Lisa Stevens (as Tong & gang member), Richard Faraci (as Tong & gang member), Terry Howsen (as Tiger & gang member), Gabrel Osteyic (as Tiger & gang member) , Ower Walstrom (as Tiger & gang member), Mark Fielding (as Tiger & gang member), Jordan Lennok (as Tiger & gang member), John Sampson (as Tiger & gang member) , Carrie Cain Sparks (as Whitney), Guyle Frader (as police officer), Harold Gillespie (as police officer), David Fredericks (as police officer), Alt Humphries (as police officer), Richard O'Sullnan (as Ben), Alecia Paget (as cashier), John McGrath ( as hovercrafts operator), Adrian Paronson (as hovercrafts operator), Rick Burgess (as Harley gang leader). |
出品公司 : | Hong Kong : Golden Harvest (HK) Ltd., 1995. |
其他机构 : | Hong Kong [Distribution] : Golden Harvest Entertainment Co. Ltd. [Distribution] , 1995 [Release]. |
中文资料 : | Rumble in the bronx |
制作机构 : | Golden Harvest (HK) Ltd., production. Golden Harvest Entertainment Co. Ltd., distribution. Cine Art Laboratory Ltd., developing. Wonton on Camble, meal supply. Critis's Choice, meal supply. Edi-Tracker, sound effect system. Soundfirm Pty. Ltd., sound recording studio. Pine Wood Sound, sound recording studio. Group IV Recording Inc., sound recording studio. Mandarin Recording Studio Ltd., sound recording studio. Filmtech, technovision service. Alpha Cine, developing. Vancouver Helicopter, helicopter service. Due North Ambulance, ambulance service. Aquamarine Diying Services, rescue boat service. Televctor Disc. Inc., pay company. Sedgwick Insurance, insurance company. Marshall, information research. Plumb Research Associates, information research. |
台前幕后 : | Tong, Stanley, HKSA, 19??/7/4- director. action director. Tung, Barbie, executive producer. Tang, King-sang, scriptwriter. Ho, Leonard, producer. Parker, Michael, production manager. Chow, Chung-hang, co-ordinator. Stante, Lydia, deputy director. Paren, Adelon, deputy director. Ma, Jingle, H.K.S.C., cinematographer. Cheung, Peter, H.K.S.E., 1945/4/2- editor. Geneau, Jett, editing asst. McBan, Peter, editing asst. Chan, Jackie, HKSA, 1954/4/7- action director. cast. Lam, Kong-wai, production asst. Gigung, Jill, location asst. Schroeder, Mark, script recording. Stafecks, Roger, script recording. Cho, So-fung, make-up. Leung, Yui-nung, props. Ford, Les, props. Birkett, Elisa, props asst. Bourgeoks, Scott, props asst. Hall, Ted, props asst. Lawler, Mike, props asst. Orman, Mike, props asst. Perun, David, props asst. Reinhart, Orman, props asst. Akerstream, Marc, 2nd team martial art director. car stunt. cast. Aisbett, Mark, martial art team. Antoniuk, Mark, martial art team. cast. Armold, Denny, martial art team. Ateah, Scott, martial art team. Chartrano, Lauro, martial art team. cast. Cross, Garyn, martial art team. Dunn, Jim, martial art team. Ferguson, Bill, martial art team. Fielding, Mark, martial art team. cast. Gray, Richard, martial art team. Hubble, Kathy, martial art team. cast. Lench, Terrance, martial art team. cast. Paetz, Gerald, martial art team. Paradks, James, martail art team. Pearce, Rick, martial art team. Schill, Trish, martial art team. Smith, Komani Ray, martial art team. cast. Sollenenberger, Lee, martial art team. Soo, David, martial art team. Spazzami, Mike, martial art team. Stubbs, Melissa, martial art team. Walstrom, Owen, martial art team. cast. Wilton, Rob, martial art team. Sum, Benfi, art team. Newcomen, Cali, costums. Chan, Henry, 2nd team photographer. Garrison, James, 2nd team photography asst. Oleary, Michael Horner, 2nd team photography asst. Levine, Andrew, 2nd team photography asst. Watters, Gregg, 2nd team photography asst. Choi, Steve, grips. Ho, Simon, grips. Mcintosh, John, electrician. Phipps, Gary, electrician. Pasmussen, Bent, electrician. Laiconade, Derek, electrician. Chin, Glen, dialogue director. Schiroeder, Mark, on-site sound recordist. Stateckis, Roger, on-site sound recordist. Boyle, John, asst. sound recordist. Leech, Christopher, asst. soundist. Perron, Leannie, location mananger. Scott, Rick, location manager. Benjamin, Al, explosive stunt. set. Paller, David, explosive stunt. set. Ng, Lin, accountant. Benbon, Sean, stage manager. Chung, Stanney, stage manager. Graham, Scott, stage manager. Hemory, Rebecca, stage manager. Rubensten, Lee, stage manager. Cheng, Bede, stage manager. Fung, David, stage manager. Furcall, Heather, stage manager. Harriott, Bernadette, stage manager. Leayitt, Stephanie, stage manager. Margolese, Karen, stage manager. Therrien, Gerry, aniamal controller. Forry, Ann, casting. Korby, Ella, generator operator. Peters, Troy, generator operator. Lewis, Bill, traffic team. Bray, John, traffic team. Othearn, Shawn, driver. Ainey, Paul, driver. Brown, Cliff, driver. Fitzpatrick, John, dirver. Janssen, Bill, driver. Samwald, Jay, driver. Myers, Gavin, sound effect editor. Vanderhope, Gareth, sound effect editor. Bayley, Martin, sound effect editor. Bate, Lisa, sound effect editor. Long, Gerry, effects. Pirola, Paul, effects. sound mixing. Savage, Roger, sound mixing. Friesen, Evelyn, rescuer. crafts. Lemon, Ken, rescuer. crafts. Collins, Nora, rescuer. crafts. Baker, Gerry, security service. Hank, Dantel, production manager (NY crew). Waches, J. Theodore, 1st asst. photographer (NY crew). MacDonald, Johnny, 2nd asst. photographer (NY crew). Mitchell, location manager (NY crew). O'Carroll, Brian, on-site operator (NY crew). Sonner, Jason, unit manager (NY crew). Mui, Anita, 1963/10/10-2003/12/30, cast. Yip, Francoise, cast. Law, Morgan, cast. Cross, Garvin, cast. Lord, Kris, cast. Yueh Hua, Elliot, 1942/7/13- cast. Andrucci, Fred., cast. Franco, Chris, cast. Gibson, Lance, cast. Hooper, David, cast. McKenzie, Dean, cast. Stevens, Lisa, cast. Faraci, Richard, cast. Howsen, Terry, cast. Osteyic, Gabrel, cast. Lennok, Jordan, cast. Sampson, John, cast. Sparks, Carrie Cain, cast. Frader, Guyle, cast. Gillespie, Harold, cast. Fredericks, David, cast. Humphries, Alt, cast. O'Sullnan, Richard, cast. Paget, Alecia, cast. McGrath, John, cast. Paronson, Adrian, cast. Burgess, Rick, cast. |