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Themysterious woman

拼音 : Shen mi xiao jie
年代 : Contemporary
年份 : 1941
首映时间 : 1941-09-05
语言 : DialogueinCantonese
片种 : Detective and mystery films (Genre)
地区 : Hong Kong
物料 : sound, b&w
内容介绍 : Begins with the discovery of a beautiful woman's dead body. The plot also deals with a court case over the possession of the corpse, a male corpse found in the grave of the woman, a flying coffin, and the resurrection of the beautiful woman.
备注 : Theadvertising campaign of the film made it a point not to divulge who the female lead was
制作人 : Director, Yam Wu-fah (aka Yam Wu-fa).
Scriptwriter, Yam Wu-fah (aka Yam Wu-fa).
演员 : Cheung Ying, Lau Kwai-hong, Yu Leong (aka Yu Leung), Sa Sa, Ma Tan-nei.
出品公司 : Hong Kong : Xinzhong Film Company.
其他机构 : 1941 [Release].
中文资料 : Themysterious woman
制作机构 : Xinzhong Film Company, production.
台前幕后 : Yam, Wu-fa, director. scriptwriter .
Cheung Ying, 1919/1/25-1984/12/14, cast.
Lau, Kwai-hong, 1918-1955/4/24, cast.
Yu, Leung, cast.
Sa Sa, cast.
Ma, Tan-nei, cast.