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Ihave a dream about a short video on the making of a short film for competition

语言 : DialogueinCantoneseSubtitleinEnglish
片种 : Short films (Genre)
摄制地 : Hong Kong
物料 : Video cassette, Betacam (29 min)
内容介绍 : Is there a sure way to win a competition? Would an understanding of the judges mind guarantee success? What are the important techniques in filming? This is director Makin Fung's dissertation on shooting of short films for competition.
备注 : Director's Note : I got a friend who gives the same answer to different questions; Another friend gives different answers each time to the same question; Which is which? Who is Who? My Friend & I?
制作人 : Director, Fung Bing-fai Makin.
其他机构 : 1995 [Filming].
中文资料 : Ihave a dream about a short video on the making of a short film for competition
台前幕后 : Fung, Bing-fai Makin, director.