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24hrsghost story |
年代 : | Contemporary |
年份 : | 1997 |
首映时间 : | 1997-04-24 |
语言 : | DialogueinCantonese |
地区 : | Hong Kong |
级别 : | IIB ; TELA. |
票房 : | HK$2664,620 |
物料 : | 95min : sound, col |
内容介绍 : | Close friends Tai Mo, Ah Ah, Frankie and Siu Wan chip in to open a 24 hour convenience store in order to fulfill the youthful dream of being their own bosses for a change, Tai Mo. Always the one who is timid and shy, quickly discovers that the place they have rented is haunted. He Tries to convince his three friends that there is a ghost in their store, but since none of the others has witnesses anything peculiar, they snake Tai Mo off as being superstitious. Frustrated at being unable to prove his point, Tai Mo is relieved when the inquisitive policeman Simon apparently believes him. Originally, Simon simply wants to find an excuse to befriend Siu Wan, but after an encounter with the supermatural, he reluctantly joins forces with Tai Mo. Simon's mother is allegedly attuned to the forces of the supermatural. Following her instructions, Tai Mo and Simon attempt to exorcise the ghost with hilarious results. At the same time, Tai Mo discovers that the behaviour of his three friends has taken a violent turn and he fears that have already been possessed. Finally, Simon's investigations reveal that the store was also rented to four friends seven years ago. At the stroke of midnight on 11th July seven years ago, the four friends fought and killed each other in the store. Realising that history is trying to repeat itself, Tai Mo strives to prevent his friends from succumbing to the fate that awaits them. (Quoted from DVD cover) |
制作人 : | Director, Wellson Chin. Scriptwriter, Abe Kwong ; Executive Producer, Wong Jing, Wellson Chin, Abe Kwong ; Production Manager, Man Cheuk-kau ; Producer, Anthony Chow ; Story, Abe Kwong, Danny Ko Lam-pau, Wellson Chin ; Associate Producer, Danny Ko Lam -pau ; Asst. Director, Lee Chi-kit ; Cinematographer, Jimmy Wong (HKSC) ; Asst. Cinematographer, Tsang Chun-chung ; Art Director, Kent Chiu ; Orignial Music, Tommy Wai ; Editor, Peter Cheung Yiu-chung (HKSE ) ; Costume Designer, Sukie Yip ; Craft, Chan Kit-ling ; Camera & Lighting, Filmtech Camera Services Ltd., Filmtech Lighting Services Ltd. ; Effects, Wong Yau-ning ; Visual Effects, Cubists Limited. |
演员 : | Francis Ng (as Tai Mo), Dayo Wong (as Simon - policeman), Gigi Lai (as Siu Wan), Chin Ka-lok (as Ah Ah), Simon Loui (as Frankie), Liz Kong, Yuen King-dan, Law Lan (as Simon's mother). |
出品公司 : | Hong Kong : Everwide (HK) Ltd., 1997. |
其他机构 : | Hong Kong [Distribution] : Golden Harvest (HK) Ltd. [Distribution] ; Hong Kong [Filming] : PU Production Limited [Filming], 1997 [Release]. |
中文资料 : | 24hrsghost story |
制作机构 : | Everwide (HK) Limited, production. Golden Harvest (HK) Ltd., distribution. P.U. Production Limited, filming. Filmtech Camera Services Ltd., camera & lighting. Filmtech Lighting Services Ltd., camera & lighting. Cubists Limited, visual effects. |
台前幕后 : | Chin, Wellson, director. executive producer. story. Kwong, Abe, 1963/11/18- scriptwriter. executive producer. story. Wong Jing, 1955/5/3- executive producer. Man, Cheuk-kau, production manager. Chow, Anthony, producer. Ko, Danny, story. associate producer. Lee, Chi-kit, asst. director. Wong, Jimmy, H.K.S.C., cinematographer. Tsang, Chun-chung, asst. cinematographer. Chiu, Kent, art director. Wai, Tommy, C.A.S.H., original music. Cheung, Peter, H.K.S.E., 1945/4/2- editor. Yip, Sukie, costume designer. Chan, Kit-ling, craft. Wong, Yau-ning, effects. Ng, Francis, cast. Wong, Dayo, 1960/9/5- cast. Lai, Gigi, 1971/10/1- cast. Chin, Ka-lok, 1965/8/6- cast. Loui, Simon, cast. Kong, Liz, cast. Yuen, King-dan, cast. Law Lan, 1934/11/13- cast. |