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Rouge of the North

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拼音 : Yuan nu
年代 : Period
语言 : DialogueinMandarin
地区 : Taiwan
级别 : I ; OAT.
物料 : sound, col
制作人 : Director, Fred Tan.
Screenplay, Fred Tan ; Supervisor, Hsu Hsin-chi, Liu Bin-sun ; Executive Producer, James Y. Liu ; Line Producer, Hsu Kuo-liang ; Producer, Lin Dengfei, Chen Jun-sung ; Author, Eileen Chang ; Production Co -ordinator, Chao Chi-bin ; Director of Photography, Yang Weihan ; Cameraman, Chang Jen (aka Zhang Zhan) ; Music, Peter Chang ; Lyricist, Lu Shi-chi ; Art Director, Chow Chi-liang ; Editor, Chen Po- wen ; Sound, Du duu-ji ; Costume, Lu Shi-chi ; Hair Design, Lu Shi-chi.
演员 : Hsia Wen Shi (aka Pat Ha), Hsu Ming, Emily Chang, Shirley Chen.
出品公司 : Taiwan : Central Motion Picture Corp., 1988.
中文资料 : Rouge of the North
制作机构 : Central Motion Picture Corp., production.
台前幕后 : Tan, Fred, 1949/1/1-1990/3/7 director. screenplay.
Hsu, Hsin-chi, supervisor.
Liu, Bin-sun, supervisor.
Liu, James, 1930/2/24- executive producer.
Hsu, Kuo-liang, line producer.
Lin, Dengfei, producer.
Chen, Jun-sung, producer.
Chang, Eileen, 1920/9/30-1995/9/8, author.
Chao, Chi-bin, 1929/3/14- production co-ordinator.
Yang, Weihan, director of photography.
Zhang, Zhan, cameraman.
Chang, Peter, music.
Lu, Shi-chi, lyricist. costume. hair design.
Chow, Chi-liang, art director.
Chen, Po-wen, editor.
Du, duu-ji, sound.
Ha, Pat, cast.
Hsu, Ming, cast.
Chang, Emily, 1954/10/29- cast.
Chen, Shirley, 1948/10/1- cast.