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AhLanmarries Ah Shui

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拼音 : Ya Lan jia Ya Rui
别名 : Alan marries Arui
年代 : Period
年份 : 1957
首映时间 : 1957-06-13
语言 : DialogueinCantonese
片种 : Comedy films (Genre) | Musical films (Genre)
地区 : Hong Kong
物料 : sound, b&w
内容介绍 : A dispute arises between the Tings and Luis in the contest for snatching the auspicious firecracker. To solve the conflict, Sixth Aunt pretends to be possessed by the Golden Flower Goddess and announces that Ting Wai-lan and Lui Shui, children of the respective family, would be a good match in marriage. Although an engagement has been sealed, the couple is still at odds with each other. Luckily, the local governor uses his wit to bring both to their senses. The couple ties the marriage knot.
备注 : Adapted from a Cantonese opera
制作人 : Director, Ling Wan.
Screenwriter, Lo Yu-kei ; Original Concept, Lo Shan ; Asst. Director, Cheung Shun ; Photographer, Cui Yam-yuk ; Film Editor, Yu Shun ; Librettist, Lui Chi-ho, Leung Shan-yan.
演员 : Tang Bik Wan (as Ting Wai-lan), Law Kim-long (as Lui Shui), Tam Lan Hing (as Sixth Aunt), Hui Ying-sau, Siu Sun Kuen, Cheung Sang.
出品公司 : Hong Kong : Gan'ge Film Company , 1957.
其他机构 : Hong Kong : Tai Seng Film Company [Distribution] ; Diamond Hill Studio [Filming], 1957 [Release].
中文资料 : AhLanmarries Ah Shui
制作机构 : Gan'ge Film Company, production.
Tai Seng Film Company, distribution.
Diamond Hill Studio, filming.
台前幕后 : Ling, Wan, 1925-2007/1/5, director.
Lo, Yu-kei, screenwriter.
Lo Shan, original concept.
Cheung, Shun, asst. director.
Cui, Yam-yuk, photographer.
Yu, Shun, film editor.
Lui, Chi-ho, librettist.
Leung, Shan-yan, librettist.
Tang Bik Wan, 1926-1991/3/25, cast.
Law Kim Long, 1922/1/21-2003/1/24, cast.
Tam Lan Hing, 1908-1981, cast.
Hui, Ying-sau, cast.
Siu Sun Kuen, ?-1966/3/23. cast.
Cheung, Sang, cast.