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Theisland tales | . 用BT下载本片 |
年代 : | Contemporary |
年份 : | 2000 |
首映时间 : | 2000-02-24 |
语言 : | DialogueinMandarin,Cantonese,Japanese,English |
地区 : | Hong Kong |
票房 : | HK$504,894 |
物料 : | 101min : sound, col |
内容介绍 : | Haruki is a Japanese journalist. Sharon, the American Chinese highflying banker, together with her friend, Marianne, Mei-ling, a lively young woman. And there is Han, he is an idol. -- These persons arrive at the island separately . As evening descends, they are all confronted by a very unpleasant surprise : the government has ordered the island to be guarantined with immediate effect. Stuck on the island with nowhere to go, nothing to do, these persons begin to find that things seldom develop as imagines. One of them dies. And this is only the beginning of the night. (Quoted from DVD cover) |
影片歌曲 : | 'There is a time' / Composer, Yu Yat-yiu ; Performer, Kim Jungmin ; Producer, Kang Min ; Supplier , Starmax Records Co. ; Publisher, Omega Project Inc., Afdf Korea & Starmax. 'Tell me to my face' / Writer, Graham Nash, Allan Clarke, Tony Hicks ; Performer, Dan Fogelberg ; Publisher, Graito Music Ltd. ; Licensee, Polgram Music Publishing Hong Kong Ltd., Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd. 'Safe in these arms' / Writer, Gray Butcher, James Somerville ; Performer, Jimmy Somerville ; Publisher, Notting Hill Music (UK) Ltd. ; Licensee, Sony, ATV Music Publishing (Hong Kong). 'Nessun Dorma from Turandot' / Writer, Glacomo Puccini ; Performer, Sergej Larin, Orchestra & Chorus of Maggio Musicale Florentino, Coro di Voci Blanche, Chorus Master Jose Luis Basso ; Conductor, Zubin Mehta ; Publisher, BMG Classics ; Licensee, BMG Music Publishing Hong Kong Ltd. 'Offertorium form Requiem K.626' / Writer, WA Mozart ; Performer, Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks ; Conductor, Sir Collin Davis ; Publisher, BMG Classics ; Licensee, BMG Music Publishing Hong Kong Ltd. 'Amore' / Writer, Janghyuk Cho, Eunhee Cho ; Performer, Jungmin Kim ; Producer, Kang Min ; Publisher, Dooson Entertainment, Omega Project Inc. 'Separate' / Writer, Okyoon Gil ; Performer, Jungmin Kim ; Producer, Kang Min ; Publisher, Omega Project Inc., Afdf Korea. |
制作人 : | Director, Stanley Kwan. Screenplay, Jimmy Ngai ; Producer, Shinya Kawai, Naoko Tsukeda ; Production Manager, Amy Lam ; Associate Producer, James Tsim, Benny Wong, Osamu Kubota ; Asst. Director, Katie Kwan, Taney Chan ; Director of Cinematography, Kwan Pun-leung ; Production Designer, William Chang ; Gaffer, Keung Kwok-man ; Editor, Jimmy Ngai, Maurice Li ; Original Music, Yu Yat-yiu ; Sound Designer, Tu Duu-chih ; Continuity, Benny Law ; Location Manager, Andy Chan ; Camera Operator , Chiu Fu-keung ; Sound Recordist, Tu Duu-chih, Tang Shiang-chu ; Make-up Artist, Kwan Lee-na ; Hairdresser, Wong Kwok-hung ; Asst. to Producer, Yoshiko Okura, Izumi Yamaguchi, Michiyo Sato ; Production Accountant, Yuko Kumamoto ; Asst. Production Manager, Candy Wong, Ranald Kwan ; Production Asst., Mok Mei-fun ; Stand-Ins for Ms. Momoi, Amy Lam, Candy Wong ; Film Loader, Thomas Yeung Yiu-fai ; Grips , Chiu Fu-shum, Lee Kin-wai, Chow Chi-fai ; Electrician, Michael Tsui, Cheung Tai-wai, Chan Sing-hong, Ho Chun-man, Ng Hung-kin, Chan Wai-lin, Chak Chi-chiu , Lin Siu-ming ; Stills Photographer, Wong Chi-kuen ; Boom Operator, Chu Shih-yi, Kuo Li-chi ; Asst. Art Director, Walter Wong ; Wardrobe Asst., Luk Ha-fong ; Property Master, Wong Tze- on ; Asst. Property Master, Kwok Kei-lik, Siu Bing-nam, Chan Chun-ting, Lee Tze-kong, Chan Ching-kang, Tang Kang-wah, Lau Wai-hung, Lam Tau ; Location Asst., Liu Hoi-on, Cheung Yuk-wah, Chan Man-fai, Chan Chi-leung, Lai Si-ming, Fung Bing-kei ; Transportation Captain, Pun Kai-hung ; Catering, Lam Lai-bing ; English Dialogue Coach, Caryn Mccann ; Japanese Interpreter, Myra Lau (script), Tsujimura Tetsuro (on location), Sunny Chan (on location) ; Avid Asst., Lam Siu-yu ; Avid Equipment, Showreel Film Facilities ; Sound Editing & Foley, Tu Duu-chih ; Sound Mixing, Ramindra Recording Studios Ltd. ; Music Record, People Mountain People Sea Productions ; Special Effect, Cubists Ltd. ; Video Images, Amos Lee & Pun-leung Kwan of Qi Qi Har ; Colour Timer, Chen Mei-tuan ; Chinese Subtitles , Jimmy Ngai ; English Subtitles, Tony Rayns ; Insurance Services Provider, Winterthur Swiss Insurance (Asia) Ltd. ; Legal Service Provider, Takahide Morita of Matsuo & Kosugi, Senshi Nakamura of Matsuo & Kosugi, Kelly C. Crabb, Esq. of Morrison & Foerster, Klyofumi Tarusawa, Noriko Fukamachi ; Camera & Lighting Equipment, Cinerent Ltd. ; Originated on Motion Picture Film, Fujicolor Negative Film ; Developing & Processing, Taipei Motion Picture Corp. ; Subtitles Optical, Mandarin Laboratory (Int'l) Ltd. |
演员 : | Michele Reis (as Sharon), Shu Qi (as Mei-ling), Takao Osawa (as Haruki Fukuyama), Julian Cheung (as Han), Kaori Momoi (as Marianne), Elaine Jin (as May), Gordon Liu (as Bo ), Millie Wong (as TV anchorwoman), Sean Carrie (as US embassy staff). |
出品公司 : | Hong Kong : The Island Tales Seisaku Iinkai, 2000. |
其他机构 : | Hong Kong : Golden Scene [Distribution] ; Kwan's Creation Workshop Production [Filming], 2000 [Release] . |
中文资料 : | Theisland tales |
制作机构 : | The Island Tales Seisaku Iinkai, production. Golden Scene, distribution. Kwan's Creation Workshop Production, filming. Showreel Film Facilities, Avid equipment. Ramindra Recording Studios Ltd., sound mixing. People Mountain People Sea Productions, music record. Cubists Ltd., special effect. Winterthur Swiss Insurance (Asia) Ltd., insurance services provider. Cinerent Ltd., camera & lighting equipment. Fujicolor Negative Film, originated on motion picture film. Taipei Motion Picture Corp., developing & processing. Mandarin Laboratory (International) Ltd., subtitles optical. Starmax Records Co., supplier. Omega Project Inc., publisher. Afdf Korea & Starmax, publisher. Graito Music Ltd., publisher. Polygram Music Publishing Hong Kong Ltd., licensee. Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd., licensee. Notting Hill Music (UK) Ltd, publisher. Sony, licensee. ATV Music Publishing (Hong Kong), licensee. Orchestra & Chorus of Maggio Musicale Florentino, performer. Coro di Voci Blanche, performer. Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks, performer. Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, performer. BMG Classics, publisher. BMG Music Publishing Hong Kong Ltd., licensee. Omega Project Inc., publisher. Dooson Entertainment, publisher. Afdf Korea, publisher. |
台前幕后 : | Kwan, Stanley, 1957/10/9- director. Ngai, Jimmy, screenplay. editor. Chinese subtitles. Kawai, Shinya, producer. Tsukeda, Naoko, producer. Lam, Amy, production manager. Tsim, James, associate producer. Wong, Benny, associate producer. Kubota, Osamu, associate producer. Kwan, Katie, asst. director. Chan, Taney, asst. director. Kwan, Pun-leung, director of cinematography. video images. Chang, William, 1953/11/12- production designer. Keung, Kwok-man, H.K.S.C., gaffer. Li, Maurice, H.K.S.E., editor. Yu, Yat-yiu, original music. Tu, Duu-chih, sound designer. sound recordist. sound editing & foley. Law, Benny (continuity) continuity. Chan, Andy, location manager. Chiu, Fu-keung, camera operator. Tang, Shiang-chu, sound recordist. Kwan, Lee-na, make-up artist. Wong, Kwok-hung, hairdresser. Okura, Yoshiko, asst. to producer. Yamaguchi, Izumi, asst. to producer. Sato, Michiyo, asst. to producer. Kumamoto, Yuko, production accountant. Wong, Candy, asst. production manager. stand-ins for Ms. Momoi. Kwan, Ranald, asst. production manager. Mok, Mei-fun, production asst. Lam, Amy, stand-ins for Ms. Momoi. Yeung, Thomas, film loader. Chiu, Fu-shum, grips. Lee, Kin-wai, (grip) grips. Chow, Chi-fai, grips. Tsui, Michael (gaffer) electrician. Cheung, Tai-wai, electrician. Chan, Sing-hong, electrician. Ho, Chun-man, electrician. Ng, Hung-kin, electrician. Chan, Wai-lin, electrician. Chak, Chi-chiu, electrician. Lin, Siu-ming, electrician. Wong, Chi-kuen, stills photographer. Chu, Shih-yi, boom operator. Kuo, Li-chi, boom operator. Wong, Walter, asst. art director. Luk, Ha-fong, wardrobe asst. Wong, Tze-on, property master. Kwok, Kei-lik, asst. property master. Siu, Bing-nam, asst. property master. Chan, Chun-ting, asst. property master. Lee, Tze-kong, asst. property master. Chan, Ching-kang, asst. property master. Tang, Kang-wah, asst. property master. Lau, Wai-hung, asst. property master. Lam, Tau, asst. property master. Liu, Hoi-on, location asst. Cheung, Yuk-wah, location asst. Chan, Man-fai (make-up) location asst. Chan, Chi-leung, location asst. Lai, Si-ming, location asst. Fung, Bing-kei, location asst. Pun, Kai-hung, transportation captain. Lam, Lai-bing, catering. Mccann, Caryn, English dialogue coach. Lau, Myra, Japanese interpreter. Tetsuro, Tsujimura, Japanese interpreter. Chan, Sunny, Japanese interpreter. Lam, Siu-yu, Avid asst. Lee, Amos, video images. Chen, Mei-tuan, colour timer. Rayns, Tony, English subtitles. Morita, Takahide, legal service provider. Nakamura, Senshi, legal service provider. Crabb, Kelly C., legal service provider. Tarusawa, Kiyofumi, legal service provider. Fukamachi, Noriko, legal service provider. Yu, Yat-yiu, composer. Kim, Jungmin, performer. Min, Kang, song producer. Nash, Graham, writer. Clarke, Allan, writer. Hicks, Tony, writer. Fogelberg, Dan, performer. Gray, Butcher, writer. Somerville, James, writer. Somerville, Jimmy, performer. Puccini, Glacomo, writer. Larin, Sergej, performer. Basso, Jose Luis, chorus master. Mehta, Zubin, conductor. Mozart, W. A., writer. Davis, Collin, Sir. conductor. Cho, Janghyuk, writer. Cho, Eunhee, writer. Kim, Jungmin, performer. Gil, Okyoon, writer. Reis, Michele, 1970/6/20- cast. Shu Qi, 1976/4/16- cast. Osawa, Takao, cast. Cheung, Julian, 1971/8/27- cast. Momoi, Kaori, cast. Jin, Elaine, cast. Liu, Gordon, 1954- cast. Wong, Millie, cast. Carrie, Sean, cast. |